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[ CBSE AFFILIATION NUMBER : 1180031 PERIOD : 1 APR 2020 to 31 MAR 2027 ]
From Principal's Desk

Capt(IN) Ashwin Anupdev

Sainik School Chandrapur was established on 20th June 2019 as the 29th Sainik School in India. It is the second Sainik School in the state of Maharashtra. The school was conceptualised in the year 2015 and became functional from Academic Session 2019-2020. Over the past few years, the school has evolved into a full-fledged educational institution with world class infrastructure, at par with other Sainik Schools and military schools in the country. It is indeed a great honour and privilege for me to be appointed as Principal of this nascent institution with immense potential for greatness. I am grateful to Sainik School Society for selecting me for this coveted post.

Education is a transformative affair and that is what we try to achieve here first-hand at Sainik School Chandrapur; to transform young boys and girls to mature citizens of India in 21st century. We endeavour to transmit knowledge, skills and character traits to all our students, thus ensuring a wholesome transformation through quality education. Our top notch facilities like synthetic stadium with running tracks & playing fields, indoor gymnasiums, parade ground, indoor & outdoor boxing rings, indoor firing ranges, equitation training areas, indoor rock climbing facility, obstacles courses, synthetic basketball, football, hockey and volley ball fields, weight training gym, swimming pool and many more such amenities, combined with professionally competent staff ensure every child realises his or her potential and transforms to future military leaders as per vision of the Sainik School Society. Our specialised services preparatory facilities, which include group discussion rooms, obstacle course and motivational arena, prepares every cadet to appear and clear NDA examinations and release the ultimate goal of joining armed forces.

I assure all that we will continue to work relentlessly in ensuring excellent education and training to all cadets in line with our stated vision and mission. We at Sainik School Chandrapur take pride in shaping the future military leaders of the country and invite you to join us in our selfless mission.

Thank you,


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